Saturday, June 23, 2012

First Pepper and Tomatoes

I almost waited too late to pick this pepper.
Here's some of the first crop of Roma tomatoes. 
I continue to be amazed and grateful.

It's a hot and steamy day.  The kind where sweat pours down your back, chest, head, upper lip...
Yet, here's the bright spot.  A great harvest in about 2 minutes!  And a second pepper.  It's perfect.   
My first 'other' tomato.  I think it's a Beefsteak but it's too hot to go into the garage to look at the package.  I can't bear to leave the air conditioned house right now. 
Two types of beans.
I'm picking the squash and zucchini smaller.   
The whole process has been wonderful.   

It's an Ice Tea, Lemonade kind of day
on Whippoorwill Road.
Farmer Jane
aka: Bernadine


  1. a whole lotta vitamins and color in that harvest! congrats!

    we've got heat today, too. steam just hung in the air this morning already.

  2. Wow, that is a good crop! We are still waiting for things to grow.

  3. Very nice harvest Bernadine! I agree with you 110% on the heat today! It is unreal how hot and humid it is.

    I harvested my corn this morning and stepping outside was like walking into a sauna. I am chilling inside too. :)

  4. From one farm girl to another, that is one pretty picture of produce. The heat is keeping me inside more than what I want, thanks for sharing.
    Stay cool,
