Saturday, September 29, 2012

"Mom, I found a lump..."

"Mom, I found a lump..."  It all started with these few words. Just two weeks ago, New-Man Colson, only 18 years old, uttered these words to me.

I was working outside in the yard with my second eldest son.  An immediate pit lodged in my stomach but not being one to give into panic or create panic, I calmly told him we'd call his doctor.  Within 2 hours, we were in the doctor's office.  

That was Friday, just two weeks ago.  Here's how fast things have moved, thanks to his family doctor:
  • Monday, he had an UltraSound.  
  • The very next day, on Tuesday, we were at the urologists office, getting the results.  It was highly indicative of a cancerous tumor.  
  • On Thursday, he had a CT Scan.  Results would be after the weekend, on Tuesday.
  • In the meantime, we went to Atlanta on Sunday to meet my future daughter-in-laws parents. (see previous post)  
  • Then on Tuesday, we heard the dreaded words: Testicular Cancer
  • Thursday was pre-operative clearance.  
  • Friday, just yesterday, was surgery!  

signing his consent

a coworker starting his IV

keeping his sense of humor

heading to surgical waiting area

meeting his anesthetist, assistant surgeon and surgical nurses

his urologist/surgeon

getting medicine to relax and sedate him

and off he goes.

It's happened all so fast that we've really not had time to fret or worry too much.  We've read and researched what all this means for him.  I'm so grateful this boy  young man, listened to me when I told him to examine himself regularly.  This type of cancer strikes young men, 18-35 years, but the ages are getting earlier.  As young as 15 years old!  
in recovery

I'm also grateful, he told us about it, quickly.  He caught it in an early stage.  The cure rate is very high when caught early.  Sometimes, one surgery is all that is needed.  We're hoping that's the case here.
He's not done though.  There's still tests to run, doctor's to see, follow up appointments to go to and labs to be taken.  

He's handled this with courage, grace and humor.  And now, he has a message: he wants young men to know how important it is to examine themselves every month.  
So, if you have a son, grandson, nephew... please share this with them.  

Resting a little easier 
on Whippoorwill Road,
Bernadine and Colson(aka: New-Man)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Meeting the Future In Laws and a Very Interesting Room

Our eldest son visited this weekend.   

His wonderful fiancé did too.

We drove to Atlanta to meet her parents.  Just next to the restaurant we were meeting, there was this gentleman, enjoying his brunch.  Picture perfect southernness!

We had a fabulous time.  Her dad is a chemist and potter.  Her step mom is an anthropologist/psychologist and sculpts. Very interest people.

After we said our goodbye's, He-Man, Smarty Girl and I stopped into an antique store called "Paris on Ponce".  The antique store was interesting but inside the store, was an area that was so unexpected, so surprising, it was like we stumbled into different world. 
Say hello to "The Moulin Rouge"!

It's an event and party room they rent out.  

This large room is over the top in decor.  The mannequin on top of this seating area is intersting.

I had to use the flash here.  It takes away from the mystique.

It's red, it's dark, it has a stage for performances, it's fabulous!   Smarty Girl and I enjoyed the serendipity immensely.  He-Man couldn't take the red lights, the decor... He stepped out rather quickly, back into the antique store and waited for us to reappear.  
I noticed several men did the same thing while their wives strolled around oh-ing and ah-ing.  I wondered why?

Maybe too much 
Ohh la la...?

Friday, September 21, 2012

Mushroom Bouquets

After the rains we've been having, here's what's blooming in our yard: large clumps of mushrooms that look a little interesting and a little ominous too.

This looks like a stack of pancakes I made once.

Eww and Hmm
from Whippoorwill Road,

Monday, September 17, 2012

Paths in the Woods

Last week He-Man and I went to the Georgia State Botanical Garden.  We are fortunate that the State Garden is only twenty minutes away.  We strolled through the Shade Garden.  I love the paths here.  There are several other gardens too but this is my favorite.
There are paths for the rain waters.

Paths of ground covering.

Paths to inspire of what can be done in my own woods.

Someone placed flowers here.  Perhaps they loved this tree.  Or perhaps they just wanted others to be pleasantly surprised.

On the way to the Cafe, there is a beautiful statuary representing a children's field trip.

I just love how it expresses children taking in the wonder of nature...

... under the admiring eye of their guide. 

After touring the Shade Garden, we stopped for coffee in the cafe which also houses the Tropical Garden.

When the weather is a little cooler, we'll go back to stroll through the rest of the gardens.

In the meantime, I'm thankful for those who care for such a wonderful place.  

from Whippoorwill Road,