Monday, December 3, 2012

Thanksgiving, Come and Gone

Fall is quickly leaving and soon winter will be here.  Yay!  
Now, before you groan, let me just say that fall here in Georgia is what some call summer.  For instance, yesterday it was a lovely 70 degrees.  That's summer to me.

It was 70 degrees for Thanksgiving, too.   We were the hosts.  It's always wonderful having the family together.  

It was just cool enough when the sun was going down to roast marshmallows.  

Soon it became too chilly for some of my family members.  Here are three of my four sisters.  We all love cold weather except for my sister in the front right of the photo.  

If a tropical breeze blows, she freezes.  I had to loan her my heavy winter coat.  A coat that has kept me warm during long New England winters.  As long as she was wearing this, and sitting by the fire, she was fine!  
Please note all the kids are in short sleeves.  And there's Colson in the background, with the white tee shirt and shaved head.

Thank you to so many who have prayed for him, sent their best wishes and concerns our way.  It has meant so much and has humbled me at times when you've inquired, commented and prayed for him.  He's doing really well.  

 He has one more chemotherapy appointment.  

He's still smiling, still laughing.  It could have been a lot worse.  When I think of all the other things we could have gone through, all the other diagnosis he could have received, I realize we have nothing to complain or whine about.  We're one of the lucky ones.  He'll be cured, he'll go on.  
Many people don't have that opportunity.  We have so much to be thankful for.  I'm grateful for life, for medicine, for love, for family, for friends...  

It's been a thank-filled 
Thanksgiving here 
on Whippoorwill Road.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween... and an update.

Greetings and Happy Halloween from the aisle at Walmart! 
Since we don't get Trick or Treaters at our house (we live too far off the road, not in a subdivision either), this is about as exciting as it gets.  
Enjoy this evening with the kids.  Be safe.  Have fun. 

So I've been a little distracted lately and not kept up with posts.  Here's an update on our youngest son's recent diagnosis of testicular cancer.  
He's healed up nicely from surgery.  I thought there's no better time in a young man's life than to get him acquainted with the necessity of...  a pedicure!  Yep, I took him for his first foot grooming.  Results: it was a big hit.  He loved it and wants to do it again.  (His future wife can thank me now.  Not that he has anyone picked out yet or even in mind.  But one day, she will thank me.  Whoever she may be.) (And this sweet lady in the chair between us, was very nice to let me snap some photos without freaking out that she was in the shot.)

This past Monday was his first day of chemotherapy.  He came prepared:  He had shaved his head (didn't want to see it coming out in clumps); had purchased several books to read while getting treatment, loaded his iPhone with favorite tunes; brought his new blanket to keep him cozy and most importantly, had a huge bag of beef jerky to munch on. 
Just the picture of chillin' out, relaxing at the doctor's office.

He's a trooper.  Still going to college.  Still smiling.  Still making jokes.  I just love this kid.  Today is his third treatment.

Thanks for your thoughts, concerns, prayers and well wishes.
They mean so much to us on 
Whippoorwill Road.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

My Mementos Speak to Me

Here are some of my souvenirs from my recent trip to Massachusetts.  
This little painting was on the floor of a booth at the Brimfield Fair.  I was drawn immediately.  (My friend, Daniela was so nice to pose.) 

It spoke to me.  
This is what I would like to do every day: walk on a lovely quiet path, listen to nature, gather flowers and wear my bonnet and long skirt.  
Ok, skip the skirt.  But definitely, keep the bonnet.

Wherever she's going or wherever she's been, it's been a beautiful day for her.  At least, that's what she says to me.

This little tray set was from a neighborhood tag sale.
Quite different from the little lady, is this little gentleman and his hardworking horse.  
They also spoke to me.

I hear their aches and tiredness loud and clear.  It's the same way I feel after my time at work.  And I definitely look more like the gentleman than the lady, too.  Minus the top hat.  And minus the horse.  And minus the carriage.  But that position, that stance... He's speaking my language.                                  

So, this evening and tomorrow I will rest and enjoy
Whippoorwill Road.
I hope you do the same.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

"Mom, I found a lump..."

"Mom, I found a lump..."  It all started with these few words. Just two weeks ago, New-Man Colson, only 18 years old, uttered these words to me.

I was working outside in the yard with my second eldest son.  An immediate pit lodged in my stomach but not being one to give into panic or create panic, I calmly told him we'd call his doctor.  Within 2 hours, we were in the doctor's office.  

That was Friday, just two weeks ago.  Here's how fast things have moved, thanks to his family doctor:
  • Monday, he had an UltraSound.  
  • The very next day, on Tuesday, we were at the urologists office, getting the results.  It was highly indicative of a cancerous tumor.  
  • On Thursday, he had a CT Scan.  Results would be after the weekend, on Tuesday.
  • In the meantime, we went to Atlanta on Sunday to meet my future daughter-in-laws parents. (see previous post)  
  • Then on Tuesday, we heard the dreaded words: Testicular Cancer
  • Thursday was pre-operative clearance.  
  • Friday, just yesterday, was surgery!  

signing his consent

a coworker starting his IV

keeping his sense of humor

heading to surgical waiting area

meeting his anesthetist, assistant surgeon and surgical nurses

his urologist/surgeon

getting medicine to relax and sedate him

and off he goes.

It's happened all so fast that we've really not had time to fret or worry too much.  We've read and researched what all this means for him.  I'm so grateful this boy  young man, listened to me when I told him to examine himself regularly.  This type of cancer strikes young men, 18-35 years, but the ages are getting earlier.  As young as 15 years old!  
in recovery

I'm also grateful, he told us about it, quickly.  He caught it in an early stage.  The cure rate is very high when caught early.  Sometimes, one surgery is all that is needed.  We're hoping that's the case here.
He's not done though.  There's still tests to run, doctor's to see, follow up appointments to go to and labs to be taken.  

He's handled this with courage, grace and humor.  And now, he has a message: he wants young men to know how important it is to examine themselves every month.  
So, if you have a son, grandson, nephew... please share this with them.  

Resting a little easier 
on Whippoorwill Road,
Bernadine and Colson(aka: New-Man)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Meeting the Future In Laws and a Very Interesting Room

Our eldest son visited this weekend.   

His wonderful fiancé did too.

We drove to Atlanta to meet her parents.  Just next to the restaurant we were meeting, there was this gentleman, enjoying his brunch.  Picture perfect southernness!

We had a fabulous time.  Her dad is a chemist and potter.  Her step mom is an anthropologist/psychologist and sculpts. Very interest people.

After we said our goodbye's, He-Man, Smarty Girl and I stopped into an antique store called "Paris on Ponce".  The antique store was interesting but inside the store, was an area that was so unexpected, so surprising, it was like we stumbled into different world. 
Say hello to "The Moulin Rouge"!

It's an event and party room they rent out.  

This large room is over the top in decor.  The mannequin on top of this seating area is intersting.

I had to use the flash here.  It takes away from the mystique.

It's red, it's dark, it has a stage for performances, it's fabulous!   Smarty Girl and I enjoyed the serendipity immensely.  He-Man couldn't take the red lights, the decor... He stepped out rather quickly, back into the antique store and waited for us to reappear.  
I noticed several men did the same thing while their wives strolled around oh-ing and ah-ing.  I wondered why?

Maybe too much 
Ohh la la...?

Friday, September 21, 2012

Mushroom Bouquets

After the rains we've been having, here's what's blooming in our yard: large clumps of mushrooms that look a little interesting and a little ominous too.

This looks like a stack of pancakes I made once.

Eww and Hmm
from Whippoorwill Road,