Monday, February 4, 2013

A Major Whippoorwill Update

I would like to thank some of Whippoorwill's readers for checking on me during the last two months of blog silence.  Thank you for your concern, thoughts and prayers for our family and especially for Colson.  He's doing well in every way.  He's done with chemo.  His lab results are normal.  Now, we're just waiting for his hair to grow back.

Finally, the major update of what's been happening on Whippoorwill Road.  
Thanksgiving Day, our refrigerator went out.  Yep, with a house full of family, it went "Ka-Put".  Though we avoid all shopping on Black Friday, Richard was forced to be part of the frenzy to buy a new fridge.  That very same day, Big Ol' Nasty Dog's right jaw swelled up incredibly.  Again, dropped a lot of money to cure the bacterial infection the vet said he gave to himself from scratching so much.  That dog! (sigh*)

Then came December:
The picture below is Colson at "Wally World", kicking up his heels after the very last chemo treatment.

Then, I took him to see his favorite long anticipated movie.  I think he's seen it three times!

I decided to keep Christmas super simple.  No big decorations this year, no tree.  I even made no-bake cookies with my little niece.  I have to say, it was a no stress holiday.  
Though we had no tree, my sister always decorates five!  We celebrated Christmas day at her home.  Nice!

The Saturday after Christmas, my son and his fiancé arrived.  We had a family dinner with them and my husband's brother and his family.

He-Man and I were supposed to go to Las Vegas right after the first of the year.  Instead, we went to... Kentucky! oh well.
We've hired our neighbor, an arborist and landscaper, to replant our back property line.  

My dad got a pacemaker.  We drove him and my mom to a hospital in Atlanta on a very dark and stormy morning.  I'm so glad we could be with them.

This brings us to February:
I hosted a Bridal Shower for my future daughter in law on Saturday.  It came out so beautiful but whew!, I was so stressed over it.  We had furniture stashed in almost every room of the house.  Sofas in the garage, dining chairs in the master, tables in my daughters room, miscellaneous in the laundry room... You can only imagine!

It turned out really wonderful.  I had collected teacups for years when I lived in Massachusetts and I'm a firm believer in using all your treasures now.  So, everyone got a different teacup.  

The little girl in the blue (my cousins daughter), seemed to enjoy it most of all.  She delighted in drinking tea from her special cup.  It was a treasure for me to watch these two little ones pouring tea and feeling very grown up.  

Even Buns enjoyed the company.    

My son has found a gem.  We are thrilled to welcome her into our family.

Yesterday, before the SuperBowl, Colson helped my sister's son do a Power Point presentation for an Anti Smoking assignment.  Then, it was off to my sister's house for the game.  I wasn't invested in the teams so I could relax watching it.    

Ahhh, today has been a pajama recovery day.
Tomorrow it's off to Atlanta to find something for the wedding!
Just a few things that's happened on Whippoorwill Road.